JOAB is not a quantum computing company but aims to harness and use the best platforms out there to explore real world problems using various forms of AI. Quantum Computing shows promise as being one the tools in the arsenal for research. There are many options for environments, hardware, and software tools and the industry is improving at the speed of light! The shear pace of it all makes it tough for traditional analysis and engineering organizations to even keep up with the latest. If you want a single best place to begin understanding quantum computing and what it can do for your business right now, here is the place we recommend: Quantum Computing Inc. (QCI). We look forward to more great things from QCI – and their one of a kind photonic based systems being brought online soon.
In the meantime, here is one of our early studies using a test circuit compared the results of various simulators to the actual result from the ION-Q Quantum Computer.

(ION-Q logo is property and trademark of ION-Q, photo provided in media kit at
In this study, the test circuit is a simple three-qubit system with a few entanglement gates and then two Y-rotation gates. As these Y rotations are varied there is more or less of a chance of measuring a particular state. The plot below shows the variation with both angles on the qasm simulator used before moving over to the Azure Quantum environment. In this case the probability of measuring a <111> or a <000> is shown.

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Next, the study was moved over to the Azure Quantum system and then rerun, this time using the q# programming language and the QDK Full-state simulator, again for 1000 shots. The results look very similar and this was just a quick check that we should expect about the same thing using the q# and QDK as using a qiskit work flow.

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Next, a horizontal slice of the above map was explored with the angle Theta_2 = pi/3, while the other angle was varied. In this example, the results from the MS Azure Quantum QDK simulator is compared to the ION-Q simulator and then to the actual results from the quantum computer hardware. This was a very interesting comparison as the addition of a very simple noise model to the QDK simulator was able to track the variation between the sim and hardware. A huge thanks to the folks at Azure Quantum for helping us and all of the support getting started with q# and the QDK.

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Azure Quantum Logo © 2021 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Using the simple noise model written in q# and applied to the MS Azure Quantum QDK Full-State Simulator, the study shown above on the qasm simulator was repeated for the same circuit. Below is the resulting plot based on 1000 shots of the Noisy QDK Full-State Simulator using the same contour levels. Notice how different this result appears compared to the qasm simulator (although there are noise models developed for that simulator as well). The basic qasm simulator gave a small amount of noise, while the IONq simulator was not noisy at all and the QDK Full-State simulator without a noise model was also very clean. The objective was to see if the q# code and QDK simulator could be used to make a good guess of the effects of noise on the ION qpu shown in the limited runs available. There are several efforts underway to develop more detailed and theoretically proper noise models for the QDK simulator, along with noise correction methods. That is an open area of research among the MS Azure Quantum team and the field.

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This same study on the actual IONQ Hardware would require over $10k in funding, so the noisy simulator is a great way to efficiently predict what the real study on the actual Quantum Computer might look like. For more information contact

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